About me

“I am a firm believer of seizing opportunities to the max. Giving up is not in my dictionary. As we say in The Netherlands: ‘There is more than one road leading to Rome’. I am an optimist to my bone marrow and I use that quality to support entrepreneurs who want to make money. Doing that my service oriented attitude comes in handy. Somehow people I do business with recognize me especially for that characteristic. With years passing by I have learned to use it wisely. But deep down inside I would like to help everybody. Unfortunately time is sometimes a deal breaker.”

“A practical thinker, that’s what I am. Furthermore I have a good eye for the value of business relations. On top of that I have creative improvisation skills and I always keep track of the costs, with the interest of my customers in mind. Elaborating on that aspect I benefit highly from my studies business, marketing and  psychology. Psychology, I studied mainly to get a deeper insight in human with the eventual goal to motivate my employees as much as possible to use their personal skills to the most. At first I was very aware of the techniques I adapted. Now it has become a second nature. And it helps me profoundly to understand the needs of our customers better.”

“I guess you could typecast me as a serial entrepreneur. I started my own technical recruitment agency, supplying engineers on a temporary base, in the beginning of this century. Even then I was convinced that the internet had a great future ahead. The worldwide web is so much more than information source or means to communicatie. The net is also a way to earn money. In my opinion it looks almost as if it was designed to generate leads and increase turnover. I find it really surprising that the use of the net for that purpose is still deplorably low. Certainly for retailers the net is a major added value. Nowadays shops are open 24/7. The balance of bricks and clicks changes faster than ever. You have to keep up with the pace. And we are specialized in helping entrepreneurs with that.”

“My plan is to expand, both business wise and personally. I am thinking of the IQ Group, an online community with multiple disciplines and a shared goal. To help entrepreneurs reach ultimate financial freedom. The consequence is that I myself will have that ultimate freedom too. Yes, I am driven by results and not definitely by money. If that was the case, I would have been a millionaire by now. But I want to do things my way. So I can be proud of myself when I reach my goals. And then? That’s all in the crystal ball of the future.”